about.label.developedBy = 開發:

about.label.howToHelp = To find out how to help click on the submenu "{0}" on the "{1}" menu

about.label.lastModification = 最後修改

about.label.version = 版本


compareFiles.compare = 比較

compareFiles.different = 檔案不相同

compareFiles.equals = 檔案相同


download.alert.downloadCompleted = 下載已完成

download.alert.optionActive = 選項 "{0}" 作業中

download.alert.startDownload = You already have "{0}" downloads in progress, start this now?

download.label.attempt = Attempt

download.label.currentFile = 目前檔案

download.label.downloaded = 已下載

download.label.downloading = Downloading

download.label.fileDestination = File destination

download.label.finished = Finished

download.label.geral = 一般

download.label.parcial = 部份

download.label.remaining = 剩餘

download.label.remainingTime = 剩餘時間

download.label.remainingTotal = Total Remaining

download.label.transferRate = 傳輸速率

download.title = Download Manager


encryptPassword.button.encrypt = 加密

encryptPassword.label.encryptedPassword = 已加密密碼

encryptPassword.label.onePasswordPerLine = One password per line

encryptPassword.label.originalPassword = 原始密碼


forward.cancelForwarding = 取消轉寄

forward.forward = 轉寄

forward.forwarding = 正在轉寄

forward.title = 轉寄


generateLogin.button.generate = 產生

generateLogin.label.allowLetters = 允許字母?

generateLogin.label.allowNumbers = 允許數字?

generateLogin.label.alwaysStartWithLetter = Always starts with letter?

generateLogin.label.generatePasswords = Generate Passwords?

generateLogin.label.numberCharacters = 字元數目:

generateLogin.label.numberLogins = 登入數目:


geral.back = Back

geral.browse = 瀏覽

geral.cancel = 取消

geral.close = 關閉

geral.confirmExit = 你確定你要離開嗎?

geral.confirmTurnOff = 你的電腦將要在 {0} 秒後關閉.

geral.connection = 連線

geral.connectionMethod = 連線模式

geral.copy = 複製

geral.download = 下載

geral.duplicate = DUPLICATE

geral.file = 檔案

geral.folder = Folder

geral.forward = 轉寄

geral.ftp = FTP

geral.high =

geral.http = HTTP

geral.invertSelection = Invert Selection

geral.listCompleted = 已完成列出

geral.low =

geral.markFilesSelectedByMouse = Mark files that were selected by mouse

geral.no =

geral.normal = 一般

geral.ok = Ok

geral.password = 密碼:

geral.paste = 貼上

geral.pop3 = POP3

geral.priority = 優先

geral.progress = 進度

geral.removeSelected = 移除選取

geral.selectAll = 全選

geral.size = 大小

geral.sort = 排序

geral.start = Start

geral.tempoEntreReenvio = 轉寄間隔時間

geral.unknown = 未知

geral.username = 使用者名稱

geral.whatIsInImage = What is written in this image?

geral.yes =


help.alert.message = To see the help files visit the OpenP2M website ({0}).


howToHelp.fixingBugs = Fixing bugs. The OpenP2M source-code is available on {0}

howToHelp.makingDonations = Making Donations, see more information on the site: {0}

howToHelp.reportingBugs = Reporting bugs on our site (www.sourceforge.net/projects/openp2m)

howToHelp.translating = Helping to translate the OpenP2M on your language


listFiles.button.addFavorites = Add to Favorites

listFiles.button.cancelListing = 取消列出

listFiles.button.processAgain = 再次加入排程

listFiles.button.refresh = Refresh

listFiles.label.notProcessed = 尚未排程

listFiles.label.numberNotProcessed = 尚未排程: {0}

listFiles.label.numberProcessed = 已排程: {0}

listFiles.label.processed = 已排程


login.button.login = 登入

login.label.encryptedPassword = 密碼已加密?

login.label.server = 伺服器

login.label.serverHost = Server Host

login.label.serverPath = Server Folder

login.label.serverPort = Server Port


main.menu.configure = 設定

main.menu.configure.cleanHistory = 清除下載紀錄

main.menu.configure.options = 選項

main.menu.favorites = 最愛

main.menu.favorites.manager = 最愛管理

main.menu.favorites.openAll = Open All

main.menu.file = File

main.menu.file.encryptPassword = 加密密碼

main.menu.file.exit = 離開

main.menu.file.login = 登入

main.menu.file.sendEmail = 上傳檔案

main.menu.help = 協助

main.menu.help.about = 關於

main.menu.help.howToHelp = How to Help

main.menu.tools = Tools

main.menu.tools.compareFiles = 比較檔案

main.menu.tools.generateLogin = 登入產生器

main.menu.tools.merge = 合併檔案

main.menu.tools.renameFiles = Rename Files

main.menu.tools.split = 分割檔案


options.button.save = 儲存

options.label.beepOnDownloadError = 下載錯誤發出警告聲?

options.label.closeAfterDownload = 在下載之後關閉程式?

options.label.miscellaneous = Miscellaneous

options.label.numberOfAccountsToSimultaneouslyDownload = Number of accounts to simultaneously download

options.label.numberOfDownloadAttempts = 常是次數

options.label.numberOfSimultaneousDownloadPerAccount = Number of simultaneous download per account

options.label.openFileAfterAllDownloads = Open file after all downloads?

options.label.openFileAfterEachDownload = Open file after the download of each account?

options.label.openFileAfterListing = Open file after the listing?

options.label.proxy = Proxy

options.label.proxyHost = Proxy 主機

options.label.proxyPort = Proxy 通訊埠

options.label.selectLanguage = 選擇你的語言:

options.label.selectTheme = Select the Theme:

options.label.shortcuts = Shortcuts

options.label.timeBetweenDownloadAttempts = 嘗試間隔時間

options.label.timeoutTime = 逾時時間

options.label.turnOffAfterDownload = 下載檔案之後關機?

options.label.turnOffOnError = 當錯誤發生以及無法下載時關閉?

options.label.useSystrayIcon = Use Systray Icon?


renameFiles.button.list = List Files

renameFiles.button.rename = Rename

renameFiles.label.fileEnds = End of the files:

renameFiles.label.fileStarts = Start of the files:

renameFiles.label.files = Files

renameFiles.label.newFileEnds = New files end:

renameFiles.label.newFileStarts = New file start:

renameFiles.label.numberOfFiles = Files: {0}


sendEmail.addFile = 新增檔案

sendEmail.notSent = 沒有傳送

sendEmail.removeFile = 移除檔案

sendEmail.send = 寄出

sendEmail.sendType = 寄出類型

sendEmail.sent = 寄出

sendEmail.smptServerAddress = SMTP 伺服器

sendEmail.to = 目的 E-mail


splitMerge.alert.mergeCompleted = Merge is completed

splitMerge.alert.splitCompleted = Split is completed

splitMerge.button.merge = 合併

splitMerge.button.split = 分割

splitMerge.label.fileIn = 原始檔案:

splitMerge.label.folderOut = 儲存於:

splitMerge.label.segmentSize = 片段大小:



coreSocket.loginInvalid = 無法登入. \\n請檢查使用者名稱及密碼或者可能是伺服器離線.

coreSocket.unknownEncoding = 這個檔案有一個未知編碼


download.numberOfAttemptsExceeded = 經過 {0} 嚐試, 下載檔案失敗. 需檢查你的連線!


encryptPassword.spaceAtBeginningOrEnd = There are white spaces on the beginning or on the end of the password

encryptPassword.withoutPassword = 填入密碼!


formGUI.escolhaServidor = 你需要選擇一個 POP 伺服器

formGUI.senhaEncriptadaInvalida = 密碼無效 (被加密密碼為數字或起始為 "_")


generateLogin.selectCharacter = 含有某些不被允許的字元!


geral.OSFunctionRestriction = 這個功能沒有實作於你的作業系統, 檢視 http://openp2m.sourceforge.net/ 及協助實作它

geral.erro = 一個錯誤發生

geral.noFiles = 在這個 email 裡沒有發現檔案.


listaArquivosGUI.escolhaArquivo = 選擇檔案!

listaArquivosGUI.escolhaPasta = 選擇一個資料夾!


merge.corruptedFile = 檔案 {0} 已損壞

merge.missingFile = 檔案 {0} 已遺失


renameFiles.couldNotRename = The file {0} can't be renamed, maybe this file is opened.


sendEmail.insertDestinationEmail = 插入目的 E-mail!


© Glauber Magalhães Pires 2006: All the all rights reserved